Nový album
This is Kevin prichádza s deviatym albumom s názvom “Reflexions”. Na albume sa predstavia traja vokalisti - Claudia Vu Nhuová, Roman Ferianc a Paulína Feriancová, ktorá je aj autorkou textov.
Album vychádza 12. 6. 2023
This is Kevin has published 9th album named “Reflexions” with three vocalists - Claudia Vu Nhuová, Roman Ferianc a Paulína Feriancová, who is also the author of all the lyrics.
- 1991 - vznik This is Kevin
- 1. album Slowly to the Sun, Monitor EMI. Videoklip ku skladbe to Pasteur z albumu Slowly to the Sun sa objavil vo vysielaní britskej i nemeckej MTV
- 2. album Communication, EMI Czech Republic - Escape. Začiatok spolupráce s designérom Majom Polyakom, tvorcom vizuálneho konceptu albumov Communication, Welcome to my Planet, Karma Free, STORIES TO TELL a DEEP.
- 3. album Welcome to my Planet, vlastná produkcia
- 4. album Karma Free, vlastná produkcia
- 5. album STORIES TO TELL, vlastná produkcia
- 6. album DEEP, vlastná produkcia
- 7. album Slowly to the Sun 20th Anniversary, vlastná produkcia
- 8. album 2020, vlastná produkcia
- 9. album 2023, vlastná produkcia
- 1991 - This is Kevin was founded
- 1st album Slowly to the Sun, Monitor EMI. Video to the track to Pasteur from the album Slowly to the Sun appeared on British and German MTV
- 2nd album Communication, EMI Czech Republic - Escape. The beginning of a cooperation with a designer Majo Polyak, the creator of a visual concept of albums Communication, Welcome to my Planet, Karma Free, STORIES TO TELL and DEEP.
- 3rd album Welcome to my Planet, self-produced
- 4th album Karma Free, self-produced
- 5th album STORIES TO TELL, self-produced
- 6th album DEEP, self-produced
- 7th album Slowly to the Sun 20th Anniversary, self-produced
- 8th album 2020, self-produced
- 9th album 2023, self-produced
cd - printed copy
Slowly to the Sun 20th Anniversary
2019 -
mp3 (digital download, mp3, 320 kbps)
2019 -
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